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"The JGenerator" is an open source Java application from JZox which offered functionality similar to that of Macromedia Generator.

Product history[]

When Macromedia discontinued support for Generator with version 2.6 in June 2003,[1] the last version did not support the new Macromedia Flash MX format.[2]

Independent programmer Dmitry Skavish had developed JGenerator with Java in 2000 to offer similar functionality through an open source implementation which ran up to 20 times faster.[3] JGenerator version 2.1 MX added support for Flash MX.[4][5]


JGenerator 2.x was available in a free Community Edition and a paid Enterprise Edition which added the following features:[6]

  • All Chart objects
  • Dynamic Text Effects
  • GUI
  • Plot Object
  • JDBC connection pooling
  • Flash MX JGenerator components

A Developer Edition had also been made available for version 2.0 to provide a development environment for individual designers or developers without support for actual server-based online content production.[7]


On December 11, 2003, Macromedia signed a licensing agreement with JZox, which no longer sells JGenerator.[5][8] The last available version was 2.2.5 MX.[5]


  1. Macromedia Generator FAQ, Macromedia. 2003-06-21.
  2. What is Macromedia Generator?, Macromedia Flash Enabled. Flash Design and Development for Devices by Christian Cantrell et. al. ISBN: 735711771. 2002-05-17.
  3. Testimonials by William L. Thomson Jr., The JGenerator. Accessed 2019-11-19.
  4. What is JGenerator?, Macromedia Flash Enabled. Flash Design and Development for Devices by Christian Cantrell et. al. ISBN: 735711771. 2002-05-17.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 JGenerator with Flash MX, JZox. Archived 2004-04-14.
  6. The JGenerator Community Edition, JZox. Archived 2003-10-10.
  7. The JGenerator Developer Edition, JZox. Archived 2002-06-08.
  8. Macromedia Generator by oshats, Experts Exchange. 2006-04-13.

External links[]

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