Macromedia Wiki
Macromedia Extreme 3D 1 box

Macromedia Extreme 3D was a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering application that was developed and marketed by Macromedia.[1] It succeeded MacroMind Three-D and MacroModel, combining updated features of both.[2][3] Extreme 3D was discontinued in 1998 with "no plans to develop future versions of Extreme 3D".[4]

Version history[]

Macromedia Extreme 3D 2 box


  1. Extreme 3D Overview & Key Features, Macromedia. Archived 1996-10-27.
  2. Macromedia takes 3-D to the Extreme by SJS, MacUser vol.11, p.41. 1995-10.
  3. MacroModel weds Three-D, lives happily ever after by Carlos Dominic Martinez, Macworld, vol.13, p.60. 1996-07.
  4. Extreme 3D is no longer being offered, Macromedia. Archived 1998-12-05.
  5. Macromedia Ships Extreme 3D, Macromedia. 1996-01-31. Archived 1999-08-19.
  6. Macromedia Ships Extreme 3D 2, Macromedia. 1996-12-16. Archived 2000-02-29.

External links[]


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